Give yourself financial success in 2018
Now that we’re into the new year, many of us have settled on big dreams for 2018 and many of those are tied to financial goals. Below are some financial tips to make your journey to success in 2018 a little bit easier.
Consider consolidating debts - With our low-rate Debt Consolidation Loan,
you can combine your high-interest credit card balances and other loans into one monthly payment that’s more affordable and easier to manage.
Create a debt-free plan - With Sunbelt Money Manager, you can get
an overview of your current financial status and strategize the quickest and most financially effective get-out-of-debt plan to save money and get ahead as quickly as possible.
Automate your savings - Utilizing our recurring transfers service is an
easy and effective way to recoup any savings you may have dipped into during the holiday season and to start building a solid fund for the year to come. Simply choose how much and how often you’d like funds transferred to your savings account, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Stop by the Credit Union to learn more about these and other ways Central Sunbelt can help you start recovering from the holidays today.
If you need some more hands-on advice catered to your specific financial position or needs, try one of our free financial counselors. You can chat online or talk via phone 6 days a week.
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